Sunday, May 30, 2010

Family Doings-

David and I went for a walk yesterday with camera-I am working with a group of ladies on a neighborhood newspaper project and volunteered to take some neighborhood stock photos to have in ready for any stories we might write. Along the way I tried out some extra just for fun pictures that came out quite nicely.

David made a few loaves of bread: challah and his home developed artisan bread.

Grace did a bit of doodling on the white boards.

Speaking of white boards--We love white boards in the house. I am a math teacher, David is an computer engineer and Grace likes to draw. As a result we do a lot of jotting down of ideas. The urge to do so on a larger scale has made us junkies for the easy availability of white boards. White boards are expensive but we found an inexpensive alternative that works great-Shower board. They come in 4 by 8 foot sheets in the paneling area of the big box hardware store (Home Depot for us). We have a friend who installed two big sheets on his sliding closet doors. We cut ours into 2 foot by 2 foot squares. I carry these to my classrooms, Kids who visit my house draw on them, and David and I brainstorm on them.

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