Friday, May 14, 2010

Action Packed But Nothing Made Today

8:30 am-A morning meeting and coffee at Long-bottoms Coffee House. This was my first trip and although the baked goods were highly recommended I settled for a giant skim peppermint mocha. It was HUGE and tasty.

11:00 am 6 mile bike ride with sunglasses and short sleeves....ahhh SUNSHINE!!

12:00 pm lunch with some girl friends and talk of starting a neighborhood newspaper.

1:30 pm A stop with a couple of the girls at the bike shop for a carrying pouch (creative juices flowing...why are they so ugly? can't I make one with pretty fabric? I bought one to act as a shape prototype.

1:45 pm Toy store to buy a child's birthday gift-stuffed germs (e coli and MRSA).

2:20 pm Sitting in the sun knitting on the socks and talking with friend....basking in heat and vitamin D.

4:00 pm Home to make dinner, putter in the garden and do a bit of kitchen cleaning.

7:30 pm family movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers stone" with popcorn as Grace finished reading the book.

9:30 pm back to a bit of work to prepare for teaching tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like YOUR sort of action-packed. I suspect my version will involve a whole lot more laundry today (no one has any clean undies again)...
